Do you Bujo?

I’ve been looking at ways to get more organized and lately I’ve seen a lot of hype about Bullet Journals. I won’t go into a lot of detail, but it’s basically a journal with all of your to-do lists and calendars in one spot. The intriguing thing about it is that it’s not a one-size-fits all deal. You really can adapt it to your needs. You can use any dime store notebook to start, but I knew if I had something pretty I’d be more likely to use it. Here’s my Dingbat:

Here’s my monthly page (with private info blurred out):

And here’s one of my project pages. I had all kinds of notes scattered everywhere on this one and I love that I can see my progress at a glance.

You can make them plain, but I like the ones that have at least a little colorful doodling on them. I’ll keep you posted on how well this works out for me.

One of the things that I find is that the urgent things (or at least what I think is urgent) take up space from the things that are important to me. I resolve to improve my machine quilting and then find that a month has gone by and I haven’t even touched my machine. And my blog! I had such great ambitions at the New Year and when checking back today, discover I haven’t updated in over three months. Bad blogger!

But that means that I haven’t posted that I passed Level 1 of my Master Knitter’s Certification. And as you can see, I am well on my way to Level 2. We were snowed in for a week in February and that really gave me some concentrated time to work on it. Most of my swatches are done and then I just have the three projects and a history report to do. The front and back of my vest are finished and blocking:

Just the finishing to do, but they will be looking at that with a fine toothed comb, so I will need to go slowly and carefully.

And, closing as I usually do with granddaughter news. Ivy made All State Choir, so in February Abby and I took her down to Portland (I know – the irony of the Washington State Choir being held in Oregon). While she practiced, Abby and I did touristy things, including Powell’s Books. Oh my! Then we joined Ivy that night for the concert. They were amazing! So proud of this girl.